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With awards totaling more than USD 6 million, UNICEF and the Nigeria Governors Forum Honor Outstanding Achievements in Primary Health Care

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    ABUJA, 18 May, 2023 — The Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) and UNICEF are proud to announce that Borno State was awarded as the overall champion in the inaugural Primary Health Care Leadership Awards.

     The Awards honour strong leadership and commitment of Governors who have made significant investments in Primary Health Care (PHC). These investments have been instrumental in transforming the lives of women, girls, and children across Nigeria. The best-performing state in the country, Borno, will receive $700,000, a testament to the transformative power of its effective leadership and strategic investment in Primary Health Care (PHC).

    Zonal prizes go to Kwara for North central, Jigawa for Northwest, Borno for Northeast, Ebonyi for Southeast, Rivers for South – South, and Ondo for Southwest. The first runners up in these zones are Bauchi, FCT, Zamfara, Abia, Edo, and Ogun. Each zone's winner will be awarded $500,000, and the first runners-up in each zone will receive $400,000.

    "The courage, vision, and dedication shown by the leadership in the winning states is truly inspiring," said Cristian Munduate, Representative of UNICEF Nigeria. "Their commitment to improving Primary Health Care has brought about significant and positive impact on the lives of its constituents, particularly women, girls, and children. Borno State's double victory underscores the power of strategic investment and collaboration in building a healthier future for Nigeria. I congratulate all the winners for their exemplary commitment to Primary Health Care." She added.

    The Director of Nigeria Governor’s Forum added, "This is an important moment to acknowledge the governors' dedication to Primary Health Care. Their initiatives serve as a testament to the power of collaboration and strategic investment in building a healthier future for Nigeria."

    The PHC Leadership Challenge, which culminated in these awards, was born from a historic gathering in November 2019, hosted in Seattle by philanthropists Bill Gates and Alhaji Aliko Dangote. Organized by NGF, National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), and UNICEF, with generous support from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Aliko Dangote Foundation (ADF), the challenge aimed to enhance governors' commitment to human capital development and to Primary Health Care, mobilize State resources, promote accountability, and foster innovation for gender-specific health outcomes.


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    Name: Taylor Massey

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    Introduction: My name is Taylor Massey, I am a tenacious, dazzling, intrepid, unyielding, cherished, talented, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.