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How Many Times in 2023 Was Bitcoin Said to Be Dead?

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    The anonymous Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto launched BTC in January 2009 months after the 2008 financial crash. Bitcoin was launched to protect investors from the global banks, markets, and various other financial institutions that cause harm to day-to-day investors. Since its launch in 2009, the mainstream media and leading financial experts have declared Bitcoin dead several times. The narrative does not end and the BTC obituary numbers keep piling up every year in the media.

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    However, despite being declared dead multiple times, Bitcoin beat expectations and spiked in price throughout. BTC has been delivering profits to investors for a decade and several people have even turned millionaires. Nonetheless, the same cannot be said for the stock markets as returns have been negligible in the last few years.

    In this article, we will highlight how many times Bitcoin (BTC) was declared dead in the year 2023.

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    bitcoin btc dead declared obituary coffin
    Source: Watcher Guru

    Bitcoin was declared dead seven times in 2023 alone. The seven stories that called BTC dead were published between January to May this year. Headlines such as “Crypto is Dead in America” and “Bitcoin is a Joke Wrapped in a Fraud” made it to the news.

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    bitcoin btc declared dead obituary
    Source: 99bitcoins.com

    BTC was trading around $16,500 to $27,500 when the obituaries were written this year. Moreover, BTC steadily climbed in price touching $42,000 and no obituary stories were published for the second half of 2023.

    The king cryptocurrency has defied all odds and climbed above the $42,000 mark this year. Critics of Bitcoin have mostly remained silent for now and will pop back to life the minute BTC dips.

    At press time, BTC was trading around the $42,893 mark is up close to 5% in the 24-hours day trade. Moreover, BTC is down nearly 38% from its all-time high of $$69,044, which it reached in November 2021.


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    Author: Scott Lopez

    Last Updated: 1704298804

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    Name: Scott Lopez

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    Introduction: My name is Scott Lopez, I am a variegated, irreplaceable, unyielding, steadfast, rich, intrepid, Gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.